Hello @davidhassell 

> In your CDL example, you also have the axis order encoded in the CRS-WKT 
> string:
> ```
>     AXIS["latitude",north,ORDER[1]],
>     AXIS["longitude",east,ORDER[2]],
> ```
> Was that intentional? If it is there, then should the variable order in the 
> grid_mapping be ignored?

This is intentional.  All instances of CRS WKT string will be expected to have 
an AXIS list.

The intent of the extra interpretation is to ensure that a map between 
variables in the file and the concepts in the CRS WKT is explicit.

There's a lot of risk in relying on parsing the WKT and trying to match strings 
in AXIS names in WKT to strings in variable names, or variable metadata.  In 
many cases, matching becomes fragile or impossible.



this is about making consistency explicit.

I have not grasped the intent of:
> It might be worth also mentioning that if any N-d coordinates (N>1) are 
> listed in the grid_mapping attribute, then they must be ignored when 
> ascertaining the order.
please could you restate or explain further?

thank you

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