This seems mostly to be about making the CF Metadata Conventions consistent. 
@JimBiardCics provided an [excellent 

With this proposal, it appears the units used by the variable containing the 
map coordinates remains the same before and after the change (both use 
radians), and none of the projection math changes. That's a win in terms of 
"not much work", I think. This proposal isn't suggesting we start allowing the 
map coordinate variable to use meters in addition to radians, is it? One might 
get that impression (see 
That kind of change could might add up to some work. But assuming that's not 
the case, we're basically looking at a change in value of the `standard_name` 
attribute to prevent the CF document from becoming CF-ish. In this specific 
case (`standard_name` of a coordinate variable containing map coordinates), 
what practically, is the `standard_name` attributes use? 

Already TL;DR;? Ok, I'll cut to the chase - I'm in favor of this change (for 
what it's worth).

I'll say up front that being consistent is a good thing on its own, even if 
adds to my own pile of work :-) So again, the question is, what kind of work 
would be created by this change. There are two perspectives from which we can 
look at this: reading vs writing. And to make things painful, I'll bring up 
netCDF-Java in particular, because that's the implementation I know (I think). 
Your mileage may vary.

## Impact on reading

For reading purposes, I'm not sure what the `standard_name` and its specific 
value it would be used for outside of compliance checking. I guess it could be 
used to identify a potential coordinate variables (hello there, strawman). 
However, CF does not appear to suggest that coordinate variables should ever be 
identified in using the `standard_name` attribute, but through either:

1. the NUG definition (names of a 1D variable and dimension match), or
2. the variable name appearing in the `coordinates` attribute.

This is what netCDF-Java does when it encounters a global attribute 
`Conventions` with string value partially matching `CF-1.` (and others cases, 
but for sure CF). Because of the Geostationary projection definition in the CF 
document, we (netCDF-Java) assume the map coordinates are some in form of 
radians and we run with it (scissors in hand). We never look at the 
`standard_name` attribute in this case. Since that assumption does not change 
with this proposal, the netCDF-Java library is good to go.

Now, code might be looking at the `standard_name` attribute as an attempt to be 
flexible (a worthy effort, except for a compliance checker, for sure), but 
that's outside of the CF specification as far as I can tell.

So, for reading purposes (outside of a compliance checker use case), the 
question is, what does the `standard_name` actually provide in practice? That 

if (standard_name == "projection_x_coordinate":
    // then what?

Honest question, and any insights would be helpful to the discussion, I 
believe. As as Billy the Kid (played by Emilio Estavez) said in the movie Young 
Guns, "[t]here's many a slip twixt the convention and the implementation" (I 
think that's how it goes...), and I'm only looking from the point of view of 
one implementation.

## Impact on writing

For writing, then it becomes a little more tricky, but only if you want to 
write a file with a global attribute `Conventions` whose string value is 
`CF-1.9` or above. At that point, you've already updated the code to bump the 
CF version being written out, so might as well update the `standard_name` 
attribute on the variable holding the map coordinate data to use the newer 
`_angular_` flavor. The actual data in the array does not change, the unit does 
not change, just the value of the `standard_name` attribute attached to the 
variable. This will impact netCDF-Java directly, but only slightly. When we 
write data to CF compliant netCDF files, we try to make sure the required CF 
attributes are attached to the variables holding the map coordinate data. 
Currently, we check to see if we are dealing with a coordinate variable holding 
map coordinate data, and if so, we make sure it has a `standard_name` attribute 
with a value of `projection_x_coordinate` or `projection_y_coordinate`. After 
this change, we will need to add a few lines to check what the Conventions 
attribute says, and if 1.9 or greater, check the units on the variable. If the 
units are compatible with meters, then use `projection_x_coordinate`, if 
compatible with radians, use the new `projection_<x|y>_angular_coordinate` 
values. We could get more picky and only allow the `_angular_` version for 
geostationary projections - we'll see as the discussion on this issue 
continues. As far as I can tell, nothing else changes on my end.

Again, for what it's worth, at this point I'm +1 on this change.

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