(sorry - pressed send too early - I'll try again!)

Dear @JonathanGregory,

Thanks for these comments

I agree with your updated **(C)**.

I'm also fine in **(D)** with a mesh topology variable getting its canonical 
identity from the `topology_dimension` attribute (which is similar in principle 
to how a domain variable is to be identified). However, it would be good to 
here from @hrajagers if making this `cf_role` use optional is OK.

I agree with **(F)**. 

> If UGRID is not being included in CF, we don't have to consider it at the 
> moment.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Is it "Even though UGRID is being included in 
CF, we don't have to consider the relationship between domains of different 
data variables at the moment.". Apologies if I have misunderstood.

Also on the data model, I'd just like to highlight that the integer-valued  
interconnectivity variables (e.g. `"edge_node_connectivity"`) need not feature 
in the data model, for the same reasons that a list variable for compression by 
gathering does appear in the data model.

I agree that the issue of SGRID, and interconnected domain/data variables in 
general, is a conversation for another issue; and now that we are starting to  
formalise the storage of domains as independent entities, this is a good moment 
to reignite this conversation.

All the best,

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