Dear @AndersMS and Daniel @erget 

I see. I misunderstood. If you think my version of the revised paragraph is OK, 
it's fine to include it in your pull request for;!!G2kpM7uM-TzIFchu!nB7uBs-rBlFmWHEnVuHY-ZVcxSPNgYaUvni-8aXbnjoIF9d_9-YcZWVl5GAePKvMeOACGZ8-80I$
 . I agree that my question about gzipping is a separate point, not related to;!!G2kpM7uM-TzIFchu!nB7uBs-rBlFmWHEnVuHY-ZVcxSPNgYaUvni-8aXbnjoIF9d_9-YcZWVl5GAePKvMeOACGZ8-80I$
 . If that's the subject of this issue, it makes sense to me.

Thanks, Jonathan

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