"dynamic variable names
In this example, the variable name is itself a variable. 
<CFSET myvariable="current_value">
<CFSET "#myvariable#"=5>"

Hi !!

My question is very much related to dynamic names.

I have control names in the form as "varN" where N is a count changing
with every iteration of the loop.So names are like..var1,var2,var3...so

I need to access the values of those variable controls in a iterative
loop like....

<CFLOOP INDEX="Count" FROM="1" TO="#Form.Count#" STEP="1">

Here I need to have access to the value of control 
"Form.var1" but I am not able to find a way to do so.

Format - (Form.var)(Count)

What can be done so as to have an output for the statement :
<CFOUTPUT>#Form.var1#<CFOUTPUT> ??


Ayush Lall.

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