
You could give each checkbox the same name (ex/ yes_no) with incrimental
values (1,2,3,...237).  The result is a single variable, form.yes_no, to
define.  The plus side is the result is a list you can just search for the
yeses (boxes that were checked).  The minus side is the result is a list you
have to search for the yeses.

If each checkbox has a different name, you can loop through form fields with
something like:

<CFLOOP INDEX="field_name" LIST="#form.fieldnames#">
                <cfoutput>#evaluate('form.' & field_name)#</CFOUTPUT>



-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I have search form that contains a large amount of yes/no check boxes -237
to be exact. It is to search the results of a survey that has 237 questions.
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