
I guess this all started when we set up the new server and I copied every 
custom tag I had collected on my development machine onto the server, 
rather than just the ones that it needed.  I checked my own application.log 
file and found the same kind of entries over and over and over... thus 
creating a very large file.  I guess I should store those things somewhere 
else until I actually decide to use them, huh?

Thanks for the assistance,


At 10:11 AM 4/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
>If you look at the path/file info in the error messages, the server is
>making reference to two .cfm files with the same name that exist in
>different subdirectories of the CustomTags directory.  The CF engine will
>automatically search down through the subdirectories of the CustomTags dir.
>if a custom tag is called and the engine can't find it in the local
>directory (where the calling .cfm is located) or in \CustomTags.
>The problem is that with two files with the same name (info.cfm or
>example.cfm in these cases) only one tag can be found automatically by the
>engine.  It appears that the engine searches the CustomTag subdirectories
>alphabetically so it will find info.cfm in CF_Auto... before CF_Quick...
>.   Its actually really cool that the engine is smart enough to see this
>and warn you about it.
>  From the names of the files, it doesn't look like this is really very
>important; I would imagine that these files are not the actual custom tags
>in question but merely contain related info, examples, etc.  You will want
>to confirm that though.
>Clear as mud?? ;)
>At 07:22 AM 4/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >Can anyone explain these warnings that have started appearing in the
> >application.log file every time the ColdFusion Application Server is 
> started?
> >
> >Joy
> >
> >"Warning","TID=109","04/10/00","16:50:55","In a CF_TagName construct custom
> >tag file 'C:\CFUSION\CustomTags\CF_AutoPopulate\info.cfm' will occlude
> >custom tag file 'C:\CFUSION\CustomTags\CF_QuickCounter\info.cfm'." 2
> >
> >"Warning","TID=109","04/10/00","16:50:55","In a CF_TagName construct custom
> >tag file 'C:\CFUSION\CustomTags\CF_BrowsCap\example.cfm' will occlude
> >custom tag file 'C:\CFUSION\CustomTags\cf_pointermouseover\example.cfm'."
>Kevin Marshall
>Web Application Developer
>, Inc.
>Vero Beach, FL
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