One might ask why this is a problem? If you've got a need for null values,
then use an array. A good developer knows when to use different datatypes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Blocker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: OT empty list items aren't counted?

>From CFML Language Reference 4.0, under CFLOOP, "Looping over a List": "Note
that consecutive delimiters are treated as a single delimiter." What a
        Douglas Blocker
        Web Applications Developer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 9:01 AM
> Subject: OT empty list items aren't counted?
> Sorry for the OT post but CF-Talk says I'm not allowed to post for some
> reason... I'm working to get that fixed but in the meantime I
> thought maybe
> you'd have a response for this one...
> I'm stunned to see that in CF, lists like ",1,,2,3,,5" are equal to
> "1,2,3,5"!!
> Is this a bug, poor parsing code or intended behavior?  Forgive
> me for being
> inflamatory but this is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.  Just in
> case this is a bug, I'm running CF 4.5 on Win 2000 for my development
> server.  Has anyone else been bitten by this?
> <cfset list=",1,,2,3,,5">
> <cfoutput>
>       List="#list#"<br>
>       ListLen=#ListLen(list)#<br>
>       <cfloop list="#list#" index="item">
>               Item = #item#<br>
>       </cfloop>
> </cfoutput>
> List=",1,,2,3,,5"
> ListLen=4
> Item = 1
> Item = 2
> Item = 3
> Item = 5
> Thanks and again I'm sorry for the flame but this is really annoying,
> Jeff
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