I like to get my cf coding done FASTER by dragging and dropping cfml code
snips all over the place and then. I actually enter the outside world once
in a while (ya know... sunlight).... grab the horse from out in th meadow,
hook ol bessie up to the carriage and take a buggy ride to the farmers
market... milk a cow by hand, slaughter a another one for some steaks and
while Im at it kill myself a chicken for some barbecue.... all the while
listening to my walkman.

Cuz ya know... that modernized store bought stuff and automobiles is for
damn sissies......

The difference in the homesite/studio "tool" is.. it doesnt do the coding
for you... it leverages the developers existing knowledge and lets them
speed up the doing of many of the "mundane-brainless" tasks requireing
excessive "typing".

I dont think studio has taught anyone how to properly use
session/application/server scoped variables and where to place them.. or
stored proc's or code cfml etc... - it just saves time. Period.  Being able
to type real fast in Notepad or some other text editor doesnt make for a
smarter better developer than someone who is able to leverage the tools in
studio - its just makes them a better typist. Equating studio to cheating
yourself of the knowledge learned by notepad coding doesnt fly.

Well.. out a milk... gotta go...


> Here's the deal, i'm so used to the keyboard mentality, that i just want
> quick in and out...
> I do use other tools, to help with the database stuff like SQL Navigator
> Benthic's Golden32....
> I just like the olde KISS standard of not using tools that do or have more
> than I really need.
> When I first got started in CF, Studio just took up more memory and time
> learn, than just using a test editor to plug away and type and peck and
> at the coding...
> Now I'm not trying to say my approach is superior or meant for
> everyone...But I have noticed a Conformist Attitude towards everyone
> to be a like....
> I really dont't care to do things the way everyone else does...
> I like collecting little tools to do exactly and no more than what I need
> them to do...I dislike the feeling that studio is to the coding, what
> frontpage is to the web, a kludge application to help people do the code
> them...
> I know that isn't true, but it feels like it...After having worked in Tech
> Support, and so many people who use Front Page demanded results without
> wanting to learn about how to get that results....
> This may be totally inaccurate as to why people use it...
> CF Studio just feels like too much of a tool...I like simpler tools...
> This isn't a competition, but I was majorly curious as to if I was alone
> not...in being a TextPad/ Text Editor user...
> It looks like I am to some extant...and that's okay...
> Are there any other tools people use other than studio for coding? like
> Helpers and so on?
> Another trend I've noticed is that people who code like to listen to
> or other music over the internet while working....
> What do you do?
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