>I am demanding that you post his name to the list. It is a disservice to
>rest of us if you let him keep his anonymity. Let him suffer the global
>consequences for his actions. If there's a fox in the hen house, we all
>a right to know who it is and adjust accordingly.

Umm...'scuse me, but in the spirit of repeated requests to return this list
back to its formerly non-confrontational state, do you think you *might*
consider backing down off the Torquemada routine a little bit?  I want this
jackass outed as much as you, and MANY here have voiced a similar desire -
but making brash (and futile, and impotent) "demands" is more likely to
dissuade compliance than encourage it.

If Dr. Kiel wishes to share the name of the misbegotten little rat sh*t with
us, he will.  If he doesn't, he won't.  It's that simple.  Ultimately the
decision is his.

To Dr. Kiel: put yourself in our positions - you know you'd want to feel
like you could safely ask a simple question without some underhanded little
trouser-stain putting your job at risk.  I can see how you'd find it a point
of honor to place yourself above this person - that revealing his name would
be invading his privacy and, in some way, might put you on the same moral
level as him.

This isn't the case, I assure you.  This person, and anyone like him, is a
threat to the community we have set up.  HE chose this road; you're not
burning his privacy, your helping the rest of us maintain our OWN privacy.


Brandon Whitaker
"It'll get used by the same people using Opera.  People dressed in black
wearing berets."
- Dave Watts, on Mozilla
"The net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
- John Gilmore

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