>  I'm _Sorry_ for my poor English.

No worse than some native English speakers I could mention, so no apology
necessary. :)

>  Simple code:

Whenever I've used LIKE in the past, I've never used parentheses around the
expression; it was always expressed as

SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE foo LIKE 'baz';

...granted, that's just on Oracle.  Access might differ.

Have you tried it encapsulating each expression of your match in
parentheses, like below?

WHERE (vchTitle LIKE #PreserveSingleQuotes(sql_search_string)#)
    OR      (vchKeywords  LIKE #PreserveSingleQuotes(sql_search_string)#)
    OR      (txBody       LIKE #PreserveSingleQuotes(sql_search_string)#)
    OR      (vchDesc      LIKE #PreserveSingleQuotes(sql_search_string)#)


Brandon Whitaker
"It'll get used by the same people using Opera.  People dressed in black
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