> I'm trying to set 52 variables to the same value.  I'm not familiar with
> loops work, but here's what I've tried and hasn't worked:
> <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="52">
>  <cfoutput>
>  <cfset person#i# = form.person>
>  </cfoutput>
> </cfloop>

Your loop is correct, its your CFSET that is malformed.  When you are
creating a variable with a dynamic name you need to do it like so:

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="52">
    <!--- don't need CFOUTPUT because we are not outputting
        anything.  CF variables are automatically evaluated as such
        within CF tags --->
    <cfset "person#i#" = form.person>

or, you can use the SetVariable function, which is probably the best way to

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="52">
    <cfset temp = SetVariable("person" & i, form.person)>

Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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