
Try adding:
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Organization_required" VALUE="Error!  You
must choose an Organization.">

--John Allred

Shannon Carr wrote:
> I am having trouble using cfselect to validate a select box.  I would like
> to display "Please Choose Organization" without a value. If form is
> submitted with Organization not selected then display error.
>  Can this be done with cfselect or should I use java script validation?
> Thanks,
> Shannon
> <cfform action="cfselect2.cfm" method="post">
> Organization:<br>
> <cfselect name="Organization"
>           message="Error!  You must choose an Orgaqnization."
>           query="GetOganizationName"
>           value="OrganizationID"
>           display="OrganizationName"
>           required="Yes"><option value="" selected>Please Choose
> Organization</cfselect>
> <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
> <input type="Reset" value="Reset">
> </cfform>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
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