Hi John,

You can split out the words from the entry field using lists, for example:

<CFIF ListLen(EntryField, " ") GT 1>
         <CFSET FirstName = ListFirst(EntryField, " ")>
         <CFSET LastName = ListLast(EntryField, " ")>
         <CFSET Name = #Form.EntryField#>


At 14:02 15/05/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a field, (Person), in a form which will search according to the
>following criteria:
>WHERE   <CFIF #Person# IS NOT "">
>         lcase(FN) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%' OR
>         lcase(LN) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%' OR
>         lcase(Real_Name) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%'
>         </cfif>
>I don't have the first and last names combined anywhere in my database,
>and unless I have users enter names in separate first and last name
>entry fields (which I'd rather not do), they WILL put both names in the
>search field. This, of course, won't work.
>I've RTFM, but I can't figure how to either split out the words in the
>entry field, or combine two of my database fields within the WHERE
>clause of my query.
>Has anyone done something like this? Any help appreciated.
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