This will strip the SCRIPT_NAME and leave you with the actual
filename that is being served up to the server.

<cfset pagename = #RemoveChars(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME,1,1)#>

----- Original Message -----
From: "cf kaizen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:41 PM
Subject: Strip directory path to get just file name

> Hi All,
> If my value in a string is
> c:\webshare\wwwroot\site\filename.cfm
> , how I just strip it down so I can dump filename.cfm
> into a variable?
> I am thinking that I should access the above string
> from the right side, looping through each character
> until I get to the first "\". However, I don't know
> where to start with the code (and, I left both cfwacks
> books at home :(
> Any help is very much appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Andy
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