Output one record then bombed with this error

The Error Occurred in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\captek\apps\LabList\showlablist.cfm: line 46
44 : <cfoutput query="qr_states" group="CaptekLab.state">
45 :     #qr_states.state#<br>
46 :     <cfoutput>#qr_states.lab_name#</cfoutput>  THIS LINE WAS BOLD
47 : </cfoutput>
48 : </body>

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Giesenhagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Output Help 

Try this... I didn't do the caps thing like you are doing but you should
the jist!

<cfquery name="qr_states" datasource="CaptekLab">
    SELECT s.state, l.lab_name
    FROM tblstate s, tbllabs l
    WHERE s.pk_tblSTATEID = l.fk_tblSTATEID
    GROUP BY s.state, l.lab_name

<cfoutput query="qr_states" group="CaptekLab.state">

Good Luck
Paul Giesenhagen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Tipton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:10 PM
Subject: Output Help

> Okay I fell stupid asking this because I have accomplished this many
> times I just cant rememeber tonight.
> <cfquery name="qry_STATES" datasource="CaptekLab">
> SELECT      PK_tblSTATEID, State
> FROM         dbo.tblSTATE
> </cfquery>
> <table>
> <cfloop query="qry_states">
> <cfquery name="qry_labs" datasource="CaptekLab">
> SELECT     FK_tblSTATEID, Lab_Name, Lab_City, Lap_Phone
> FROM         tblLABS
> where                fk_tblSTATEID = '#qry_states.pk_tblSTATEID#'
> </cfquery>
> <cfoutput query="qry_labs">
>             <tr>
>                         <td>#qry_states.state#</td>
>                         <td>#Lab_name#</td>
>             </tr>
> </cfoutput>
> </cfloop>
> </table>
> I want the state name output once and then a list of all the labs for
> that state
> IE
> Alaska  Lab1
>             Lab2
>             Lab3
> Alabama Lab1
>               Lab2
>               Lab3

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