You could try using query locking hints in your SQL, I have to do it on some
very large tables that get a lot of updates. The only problem being that
sometimes you won't get data that's 100% up to date as it could be updated
while the select is running.


select field1,field2 from tblOne (nolock) where field1 = #param#

Other than that, have a good look at the database design, there may be too
many indexes, or poorly performing indexes that are slowing inserts and
updates down, tbh it could be any number of things. Although it is highly
probable that the problem is the database and or some slow SQL that's
causing the issues, not CF.

Hope you get it sorted, 


-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 26 July 2002 13:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Table Locking Problems


I am having problems with table locks in one of my databases.
These table locks result in the cfm pages failing becuase they either can't
access the database or they get a serialization failure.

I have tried using cflock to stop multiple queries accessing the same table
but the problem is the site is running over more than 1 server and I can't
think of anyway to prevent all of the code on all the servers from accessing
the tables at the same time.  It also runs on 2 SQL servers which are
replicating to each other.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could solve these problems?

The sites run on coldfusion 4.5.


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