
Thank you again for all of your suggestions.  As time allows, I will probably play 
with all of them just to learn how.

It is wonderful to have such support.

Take care,

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:56:59 -0400

>> S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
>>> Before you give up... There's a couple of things you can
>>> do for the
>>> recursion in the db... One is to create a cross-reference
>>> table which shows
>>> the parent-child relationship between all records in the
>>> table...
>>> Alternatively, you could try this:
>>> <cfset rs = QueryNew("ID")>
>>> <cfset temp = QueryAddRow(rs)>
>>> <cfset[1] = "0">
>>> <cfset rs2 = QueryNew("ID")>
>>> <cfloop condition="rs.recordcount">
>>>     <cfquery name="rs" datasource="...">
>>>             SELECT * FROM mytable
>>>             WHERE parentid IN (#valuelist(
>>>     </cfquery><cfquery name="rs3" dbtype="query">
>>>             SELECT * FROM rs UNION SELECT * FROM rs2
>>>     </cfquery><cfset rs2 = rs3>
>>> </cfloop>
>>> This or something like it ought to give you a single
>>> query containing all of
>>> the children of the parent... It will be much slower than
>>> a cross-reference
>>> table in the db, however, it should be similar in
>>> performance to the current
>>> solution... Once you have this query, however, you can
>>> then use the
>>> recursive UDF in CF 5 and either pass the query to the
>>> UDF along with the
>>> current parent id for the tree, or you can place the
>>> query in the request
>>> scope and reference it from there...
>> never do to much work in cf when your database can do it
>> faster
>Well, that's why I recommended that a cross-reference table would be
>faster... :) All my recursion is done using the NTM model described by that
>guy who wrote the book "SQL for Smarties" ... don't remember his name --
>never actually read the book -- discovered the method was documented after I
>had figured out how to do it on my own... But if the page in question
>doesn't see huge amounts of traffic, or if the tree structure isn't
>tremendously deep ( width isn't much of a problem ) then it's not wholly
>unreasonable in terms of performance to do it in cf as above...
>Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
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