> Although database management systems now allow you to insert binary
> into your database, this is not their intended use and are, therefore, not
> very good at this!

no. sql server is quite good at this. i imagine other big iron dbs are also
adept as well. rumors are that the next major OS released from ms will be
based on some form of sql server holding the filesystem. so at least they
think blobs in a db is a good idea & they think so in a big way.

> VERY simple solution.  Store your resumes in a safe place off of the root
> your web server and index them using Verity (CFINDEX) and search the
> documents using CFSEARCH.

duplicate doc name, no search caching, can't join tables, poor performance
compared to sql server, management headaches of x number of files, yadda
yadda yadda.

> Doing this will make it a heck of a lot easier to retrieve your documents
> that if you have to drag them out of SQL Server and its scalable!

nope. its quite scable. one the really big end of the spectrum, ms's
terraserver is built on sql server. on the small to medium sized end, we've
moved all our spatial databases and raster imagery (mainly aerial photos) to
a system built on top of sql server. we beat the crap out of it on a daily
basis. still standing.

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