i'm trying to read in an XML file to do some manipulation with it - 
Using CFFile it works fine:
<cffile action="read" file="#request.pathtoXML#\#request.XMLfilename#"
variable="application.blogXML" >
but if i want to avoid a CFFILE call I could use CFSAVECONTENT eg;
 <cfsavecontent variable="application.blogXML">
     <cfinclude template="blog.XML">
my CFC starts with:
    myblog   = xmlParse(application.blogXML);
    blogtitle  = myblog.blog.blogtitle.xmlText;
    blogdescription = myblog.blog.blogdescription.xmlText;
the CFFILE method works fine but using the SAVECONTENT method returns:
XML declaration may only begin entities.
any ideas what this means?

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