I trust that the shipdate field in your db is a datetime data type.  If so
this should work.

WHERE customer_orders.shipdate > #CreateODBCDateTime(yearback)#

Byron Mann

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: Date Comparison

> I'm trying to grab all records in a table that were created within the
> last year.  I started by creating a variable called yearback.
> <CFSET yearback=#DateAdd('yyyy', -1, NOW())#>
> this is my SQL where clause
> WHERE customer_orders.shipdate > #yearback#
> Problem is, some of the ship dates are just dates, which work fine, and
> others are DateTime.  My query returns nothing if the record I'm looking
> for contains a DateTime.  How do I work around this?
> Thanks
> Chris
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