Given the state of the economy in general and the tech industry and
start-ups in particular, I'd say that it's not CF that is doing badly.  Even
the rent-a-programmer-type sites aren't seeing the traffic they used to.  

I know that Local, State, & Federal governments, not to mention non-profits,
that were hurting for programmers of all kinds a year ago have stopped
recruiting so heavily.  Jobs that would sometimes go unfilled for 6-18
months back then and a lot was contracted out.  Now, with the tech kill off
around DC, open computer jobs in the region are pretty scarce in government
and, as a consequence, I've noticed a lot more federal ASP & CF projects
being ginned up as those once freelance programmers opt for a regular
paycheck.  Or, put another way, projects that used to be farmed out or not
done at all are now being done in-house.  

Of course, some of the stuff they want is sometimes pretty arcane and a
broad base of knowledge is necessary.  Right now I'm busy webifying input
and output interfaces for a system that runs MuMPS in the background.  


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