a bit intimidated by the level of discourse on this list, but here goes.
(You should start a CF-Talk_Training_Wheels for guys like me.)  

Anyway, just getting started with CF and one thing I never see are examples
of multiple record updates into a database with a single submit button. 

What we're noodling over is an attendance process for a staff of about 500
in 14 departments.  The idea is that an administrator would click a button
that would query the entire SQL db for employee names by department.  The
query would dump the results into a form that also had check boxes or radio
buttons (on duty, day off, holiday, training, leave, sick).  We've gotten
that far.  But we can't figure out how to code so that the submit button
would then update all the queried records in the database. When we try the
obvious--to us--code, all the buttons on the entire update are applied to
very first record only.  

I can see how to do this one record at a time.  I just don't see how to do
it five at a time.  Is it possible in ASP/CF?  


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