Heya fellow Chris...=)

Well I would like to get a good foundation in Java (for backend
development) but then would also like to get into the more display tier
level of Java dev (JSP) etc.

Thanks for the recommends....I will surely take a look at these books
and the editor.

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:lists@;airtightweb.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT:Java?

Howdy Chris,

Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 9:39:52 AM, Chris Alvarado wrote:

CA> Does anyone have any good book reccomendations to get me started 
CA> down that path? I have some basic OOP experience, but none with 
CA> Java, so any help would be awesome.

Are you talking about just starting out with Java? If so, I recently
purchased these two (Amazon.com has a package deal on them right now):

Beginning Java 2 SDK 1.4 Edition (Ivor Horton)

Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts to Code (Jacquie Barker)

I haven't had a chance to look at the Barker's book yet, but Horton's is
a pretty good intro to Java. Hal Helms recommended Barker's book as a
good starting point to learn about OOP in one of his recent newsletters.

CA> Also, any preferred Development Environments / Editors?

Based on a recommendation in Horton's book, I've started messing around
with JCreator ( http://www.jcreator.com/ ). It's a nice Java IDE and
pretty easy for beginners to pick up. The light edition is free, too.
Also, UltraEdit works pretty good and has a tool you can configure to
compile java files.

Chris Montgomery        monty @ airtightweb.com

Airtight Web Services   http://www.airtightweb.com
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