We use Canto Cumulus (www.canto.com) for our Army Aviation customers. 


-----Original Message-----
From: FlashGuy [mailto:flashmx@;rogers.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Your thoughts on a project

I have the opportunity to develop a database project on the side.

The customers will be uploading and indexing graphic files (invoices,
shipping etc). Also a lookup function for people to look and or print
documents stored in jpg, gif, pdf

What software is out there that allows me to upload graphics, index the
files and do searches. I would think the graphic files would have to be
converted on the server to PDF, 
and indexed for searching? Is this what Adobe Capture does? Are there other
products out there?

Has anyone developed such a product?

I know one exists already (http://www.speedscan.com/) but I want to develop
one myself.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Colonel Nathan R. Jessop
Commanding Officer
Marine Ground Forces
Guatanamo Bay, Cuba

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