
I can't seem to get the following query of an index server collection to 
search wildcards?  It will only return exact results.  I am using the code 
available at http://www.cfcomet.com/index_server/ on win 2k cf server 5.  
Collection size 170mb and contains 60,000 docs.

I have tried using, WHERE Contents LIKE '#wordsearch#' in my where clause 
but the page just churns away and eventually the page stops processing and 
is a blank white page.

Here is the code...

    /* Set variables for establishing the connection (change to your values) 
    Catalog = "system";     // Catalog name of the index
    UserName = "";          // Username (if applicable)
    Password = "";          // Password (if applicable)

    /* This value should be passed via form or URL. We hardcode it for easy 
reading */
    WordSearch = "html";

    /* SQL statement */
    SQL = "SELECT Characterization, DocTitle, DocKeywords, Rank, VPath FROM 
scope() ";
    SQL = SQL & "WHERE freetext(' #wordsearch# ') > 0 ";
    SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY Rank DESC";

    /* Create an instance of the ADO Connection COM object */
    MyConnection = CreateObject("COM", "ADODB.Connection");

    /* Set connection variables; the provider will stay the same */
    MyConnection.Open("provider=msidxs;Data Source=#Catalog#", "#UserName#", 
"#Password#", -1);

    /*Max Records */
    MyConnection.MaxRecords  = 10;

    /* Execute the SQL against the ADO connection */
    MyRecordset = MyConnection.Execute(SQL, 0, 8);

    /* Return a collection of the fields returned by the SQL */
    MyFields = MyRecordset.Fields;

    /* We need to manually see how many records exist */
    /* The RecordCount property of 'MyRecordset' won't do, since it returns 
-1 */
    RecordCount = 0;
    while(NOT MyRecordset.EOF){
        RecordCount = RecordCount + 1;   // Increment the count
        MyRecordset.MoveNext();          // Proceed to the next record

<CFIF NOT RecordCount>
    <P>No results matched your search.

    /* Move to the first record */

    /* Make the query to make data easier to manage and control */
    IndexServ = QueryNew("Characterization, DocTitle, DocKeywords, Rank, 

    /* Add number of records to the query */
    QueryAddRow(IndexServ, RecordCount);

<CFLOOP INDEX="i" from="1" to="#RecordCount#">
    <CFLOOP COLLECTION="#MyFields#" ITEM="this">
        <!--- Add a record to the query --->
        <CFSET QuerySetCell(IndexServ, this.Name, this.Value, i)>
    <!--- Move to the next record from the COM object results --->
    <CFSET MyRecordset.MoveNext()>

<!--- Close the connection to com object --->
<CFSET MyConnection.Close()>

        <TD COLSPAN="3">
            <CFOUTPUT>Search for "<b>#wordsearch#</b>" returned
            <B>#RecordCount#</B> matches</CFOUTPUT>
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD WIDTH="10">#CurrentRow#.)</TD>
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD NOWRAP>#NumberFormat(Round(Rank/10))#%  <A 
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD NOWRAP>#VPath#</TD>
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD><B>Summary:</B> #HTMLEditFormat(Characterization)#</TD>



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