Well, it's good to learn Rick.  For further reading on <cfqueryparam> 
check out Ben Forta's article:


Anyway, I would advise anyone working with *any* db to use queryparams.  
You'll be doing yourself and your database a favor.  Granted, not all 
databases use the speed advantage, but the security of it is worth it.


On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Rick Root wrote:

> > Have you ever tried inserting a '\' character? As in: 
> > 'D:\whatever\filename.txt'
> Wow, I just tested my code for that and sure enough MySQL treated the \ 
> as an escape character, so \n was inserted as a carriage return (or line
> feed or whatever it is).
> Damn, how embarassing.  All this time I have never tried to insert a \
> character apparently!
> Apparently, CF only escapes the ' automatically.
>   - Rick
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