On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 11:51  AM, Raymond Camden wrote:

> No. Unless you have all your code under an Application.cfm that does 
> it.
> FYI, 'events' like this has been on the enhancement list for sometime.
> :)

Thanks for the responses Sean & Ray. I hope the "events" thing happens 
someday. As easy as it would be to add <cfif not 
isdefined("server.udfs")> to every application.cfm on the server it 
would be far cooler to not have to. :)

> Well, it is not recommends for CF5 because you would need to lock every
> use of it. However in MX you wouldn't need to worry about it.

Yeah, this is MX, so not as much of an issue.

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 01:58  PM, Sean A Corfield wrote:

> Note that you cannot output HTML from methods of CFCs that are stored
> in shared scopes (but, hey, you wouldn't be outputting HTML from CFCs
> anyway, would you?).

Absolutely not! :)

> Nope, you need to scope them. Sure, you could create a 'local' alias
> via Application.cfm (<cfset formatphone = server.udfs.formatphone/>)
> but that won't be available inside custom tags for example.

Right. I was more looking for a "hack" ala putting custom tags into the 
<cf-root>\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags directory so they be called like 
native tags. Oh well. Only a little additional typing.

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