I'm not sure that you can tell CF to stop logging 232 errors. But using CF
administrator you can store the log file without having to restart cf. Just
go to the CF admin log files page, the 'store log file' option is the yellow
button under controls.
This will then store your server.log file as server.001 in the log file
directory on your server. Then when CF needs to write to the server log it
will create a new server.log file. You'll then be free to do what you like
with the server.001 file without affecting the CF service.

This doesn's solve the root cause of the problem though. You could look at
query/page caching to speed up the response time of the page.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Antony Sideropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 November 2002 05:07
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Error 232
> Hi
> I am running CF5 with a variety of MS Access and Oracle 8 databases.
> A recurring problem I experience is that on pages with long 
> lists of query 
> data, if the user clicks away to another page before the page 
> finishes 
> loading, my server.log file fills up with Error 232 messages.
> I believe that 232 is an error that occurs when the database 
> is unable to 
> communicate with the page requesting the data - in this case, 
> because the 
> user has moved on to a new page, the data has nowhere to go.
> The end result of the above, is that the server.log file 
> grows alarmingly if 
> not closely monitored - once it grew to 1.5Gb (that's not a 
> typo) and took 
> up all the space on the server c:\ and crashed the server :-(
> The log file cannot be deleted because CF is continually 
> writing to it, and 
> the file is in use.  The only way to stop it is to restart the CF 
> Application Service - thus also clearing all application and session 
> variables, and stuffing up all the applications on the server.
> Can I tell CF to stopp logging 232 errors?  Or can I stop the error?
> I know one way is to limit query output to 50 rows per page, 
> but in my 
> current application that would result in a poor user interface.
> Any ideas?
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