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hello all,

forgive me if i sound too naive. i have been programming in CF from
the past 1 yr and recently i am into XML. it feels good whenever i
read wat all XML can do and solve all those problems which we are not
aware of and all that stuff.

but when i get down to basics, i am unable to connect XML and CF. i
mean, i know that CF *somehow* supports XML. but i am not aware how
well and in wat way. i tried to find an answer at allaire site but
wat i got is a bunch of links to XML sites which were of not much
help. i tried to find some site which would describe the link between
XML and CF, but i couldnt get. may be i am not aware of it.

so can anyone explain or provide me links where all my Q's would be
answered?? to make it little bit more easy i would like to give an

i have a XML file and which i am using as a part of EDI. and this
file i upload into the site. wat i want is that CF should be able to
parse this XML file and insert the data from the document to the SQL
DB. this is a simple example i was trying. does CF has its own
parser?? or do i have to depend on Java??

i have 1 more Q. in all this big picture. where does WDDX fit into??

i hope u ppl wont mind my long winded mail, bcoz i am just learning

thanx in advance


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