
- Generate a random number between 1 and the number of categories.
Store that in a var, say "myCatNum".
- Generate a random number between 1 and the number of items in the
randomly generated category.  Store that in a var, say "myItemNum"
- Identify (in your db) each category with a number, beginning with 1.
- Identify (in your db) each item in a category with a number, beginning
with 1.
- Create a query that pulls the appropriate item from the appropriate
category.  Something like:

        SELECT  whateverfieldyouwant
        FROM            myTable
        WHERE           categorynumber = #myCatNum# and
                        itemnumber = #myItemNum#

This, of course, assumes that all items are stored in one table.. Not a
table for each category.



| -----Original Message-----
| From: Scott Wolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 5:16 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: Random Item Selection
| In my database, I have a single table that stores all of the 
| individual items for sale on my website.  I have 20 or so 
| different item categories and 6 different individual items 
| for each category.  What I would like to do is find a way to 
| have my frontpage randomly select an item from each category 
| to display on the front page.  I was wondering if anyone 
| knows of a way to do that.  Any help would be greatly 
| appreciated.  Thanks!
| Scott Wolf
| -------------------------------------------------------
| WARNING! Some of the shirts on
| are highly offensive.
| This is your official warning.  Sure,
| you could say that you didn't see
| it, but I can prove that I sent it and
| that's all that matters legally.  You
| now have no right to complain about
| the site content. :P
| -------------------------------------------------------
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