
Actually, the problem is not "unusual" at all.  We're one of many who
have (on this list and in the forums on MM) been having similar issues.
There are several threads going on about it now, and MM's already got at
least one person working on the issues.

The reality, however, is that it's only under what appear to be certain
circumstances that it causes these issues.  It appears to be related to
SQL, or other DB, connectivity.  The problem is, however, that it causes
the server to be brought to it's knees, which shouldn't happen.  It
needs to monitor and manage itself more precisely.  And his statement
about it not being production ready, in my never-to-be-too-humble
opinion, is actually correct.

Under load, it performs fine, so long as the problems you see us
complaining about don't start to occur.  And since it's on different
types of systems, with different configurations, it's hard to say that
it's a simple "bug" that is too rare to worry about. (I know you're not
saying that.. I'm just pointing that out.)

At any rate, this is far more widespread than you might think.  I know
of at least two other companies that are now moving from CF to other
languages due to the instabilities.  Several others that refuse to now
(and most likely will never) upgrade to CFMX... No matter what happens.

You may not have seen all the info that was put out on this list about
these problems.  However, they're not "rare".. unfortunately.  


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 7:58 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: Re: CFMX Server Crash #4 for the day..
| On Wednesday, Nov 27, 2002, at 14:45 US/Pacific, Brook Davies wrote:
| > What is Macromedia doing about this? CFMX is not ready for 
| production.
| Well, there's quite a few successful production sites out 
| there running 
| CFMX that would beg to differ with you. Our own ColdFusion Examples 
| server - hosting extended documentation and live examples - has been 
| running unattended since June (when we upgraded it to the release 
| version). It had been running the beta successfully since 
| March. I even 
| posted the traffic figures here at one point to show if was 
| coping with 
| quite a bit of traffic.
| > I certainly, based on my experience, would not recommend 
| (and I think 
| > anyone running CFMX would agree) anyone to switch to CFMX anytime 
| > soon. Unless you have plenty of spare time to baby sit your server.
| We have servers running CFMX that require no baby-sitting at all and 
| can support very high traffic.
| Have you contacted Macromedia Technical Support to engage someone to 
| assist you resolving the - obviously serious - problems you 
| are having? 
| Your experience is, I think, fairly unusual (although I see Lee had 
| possibly similar problems - Macromedia worked with him directly on 
| those issues).
| Sean A Corfield -- Director, Architecture
| Web Technology Group -- Macromedia, Inc.
| tel: (415) 252-2287 -- cell: (415) 717-8473
| aim: seancorfield --
| An Architect's View --
| Introducing Macromedia Contribute. Web publishing for 
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