Ok, this might sound weird, but I'm thinking of building something I'd 
call a page-context.

The idea is that on certain pages one needs to have a lot a variables 
that you load once, from a database or file and then use pretty often. 
You can manually cache these variables in the application scope, but I 
was looking for something more specific. An example of such data might 
be: a default sort order, l10n texts etc.

So this would work like a normal client or session variable, but these 
variables would be unique for each page (haven't though about includes 
yet, but they may have their own page context too). I'm working on a 
simple system that stores these variables in-memory in either the 
application or the server scope, but I'd rather not use any of those. 
Another option would be to create a java object that can be referenced 
statically to get to these variables (haven't worked that out either).

Then appart from the default page data there might be user specific paga 
date like the users preferred sort order, last 10 entered search 
keywords etc. One could store these in the clientscope or the session 
scope, but then these would be accessible from any other page aswell. So 
in this case there would be a pageSession and a pageClient scope to 
handle these kinds of data.

I haven't worked out the details yet, but I'm open for any ideas, pros, 
cons etc.


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