I'm using the following code to build and display a query string:\
<cfsavecontent variable="myquery">
Select * from contacts where 1 
<cfif Form.company IS NOT "All">and company like
<cfif Form.title IS NOT "All">and title like
<cfif Form.city IS NOT "All">and city like
<cfif Form.state IS NOT "All">and state like
<cfif Form.country IS NOT "All">and country like
<cfif Form.type IS NOT "All">and type_of_industry like
<cfif Form.size IS NOT "All">and company_size
<cfif Form.department IS NOT "All">and department like
<cfif Form.source IS NOT "All">and source_of_contact like


The query string builds and displays correctly. 
For example: 
Select * from contacts where 1 and company like '%Company 1%' and title like
'%Title 1%' and type_of_industry like '%Manufacturing%' and company_size
<250 and department like '%Training%"

However, when I try to save the query string in the database later it has a
lot of unneeded spaces and line breaks like so:

Select * from contacts where 1 
and company like '%Company 1%'
and title like '%Title 1%'

and type_of_industry like '%Manufacturing%'
and company_size <250
and department like '%Training%'

Is there any way I can fix this?



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