You're MEAN Ben.. Just plain MEAN!


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 2:27 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Visual Fusion - Thoughts?
| It sounds interesting.  I do have a few questions, though:
| How will they connect to datasources?  Or does the data have 
| to be internalized?
| Will there be any cross-platform versions?  Will there be the 
| ability to compile to a Java app, perhaps with different 
| wrappers for different systems?
| What version of CFML will be supported?  5?  MX?  How good is 
| the compatibility?
| I'm sure I'll think of more, but that's enough harrassment 
| for now, eh?
| --  Ben Doom
|     Programmer & General Lackey
|     Moonbow Software, Inc
| : -----Original Message-----
| : From: Pablo Varando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| : Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 5:12 PM
| : To: CF-Talk
| : Subject: Re: Visual Fusion - Thoughts?
| :
| :
| : No, they are stand-alone just as Visual Basic Applications run as
| : stand-alone.
| :
| : At least that is the idea :) hehe
| :
| : :)
| :
| : Pablo
| : ----- Original Message -----
| : From: "John Wilker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| : To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| : Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 4:05 PM
| : Subject: RE: Visual Fusion - Thoughts?
| :
| :
| : > Sure sounds interesting to me. How cool would that be? 
| Would the apps
| : > run in a browser still? I would assume not.
| : >
| : > J.
| : >
| : > John Wilker
| : > Web Applications Consultant, Writer
| : > Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Developer
| : > Founder/President IE CFUG
| : >
| : >
| : > Whatever is wrong it is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp
| : > stick. Unless of course you just got poked in the eye with a sharp
| : > stick.
| : >
| : >
| : > -----Original Message-----
| : > From: Pablo Varando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| : > Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 1:59 PM
| : > To: CF-Talk
| : > Subject: Visual Fusion - Thoughts?
| : >
| : >
| : > Hello CF-Talk community:
| : >
| : >     For the last year or so I've been working on an 
| application called
| : > "Visual FusionC" (Patent pending). The application is basically a
| : > program that takes ColdFusion coding to the next level 
| and allows you to
| : > create stand-alone applications written in ColdFusion 
| (CFML) code. The
| : > application works exactly like Visual Basic, but powered 
| by CFML. The
| : > idea is to allow ColdFusion developers the ability to 
| distribute their
| : > existing ColdFusion projects without the need of a web server /
| : > ColdFusion server. After the application is created, you 
| compile it and
| : > create an .EXE for it (with the ability to create a setup, etc..).
| : > Therefore allowing us ColdFusion developers to sell our 
| applications to
| : > clients that cannot afford or don't want to buy servers 
| (ColdFusion
| : > server / Web Server) and to distribute our applications much more
| : > securely without the chance of "decrypting" and loss of 
| our techniques.
| : > The other thing about this application is that it will also be an
| : > alternative to application development as an alternative to Visual
| : > Basic.
| : >
| : > I wanted to see the reaction for such an application and 
| to see what
| : > everyone's thoughts and comments were on such an application.
| : >
| : > Also, I while back I messaged asking people that know 
| Java Programming
| : > who would like to help build this application to speed up the
| : > development. If anyone out there would like to help build 
| this product
| : > and take part of profits as payment, let me know. I sure 
| can use the
| : > help! :)
| : >
| : > I welcome all suggestions and comments...
| : >
| : > Thanks,
| : > Pablo Varando
| : >
| : >
| : >
| : >
| : >
| : 
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