I'm having a real brain fart.

The application I'm working on originally used POST methods for form submissions.  On 
SELECT TYPE="MULTIPLE" fields, the output was handled very nicely and the data was 
posted as "somefield=value1,value2,value3" if multiple items were selected.  This made 
dealing with the values very simple for many reasons.

However, for various reasons, I have had to convert everything over to use the GET 
method for form submission.  On the same SELECT TYPE="MULTIPLE" field, the data is now 
sent as "somefield=value1&somefield=value2&somefield=value3"

Is there a simple way to "convert" the data that looks like 
"somefield=value1&somefield=value2&somefield=value3" into values that look like 
"somefield=value1,value2,value3"?  Do I loop through it treating SOMEFIELD as a 
collection?  Is there an easier or more straightforward way of doing this?  I'm using 
CF5 Ent.

Thanks for any help.

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