>You made some great points, but I'd like to elaborate on the culture
>shock. This isn't culture shock for new technology, as web developers,
>the only technology that can give us culture shock, is _old_ technology,
>or the lack of change. The shock is the complete turn of stance by MM.
>Macromedia has marketed Cold Fusion as the fastest and easiest way to
>create dynamic web based applications. That's been the core of CF with
>the philosophy of getting applications out the door fast, at a very low

How has this really changed though?? CF is *still* the fastest way to get
web apps out the door.

>What's happens now, is that MM is saying the _complete_ opposite. They
>are contradicting everything they have said, which quite frankly breeds
>the mistrust I see popping up rapidly in the last few months.

I don't agree with this. I don't hear MM replacing one statement with
another. Rather, the RIA initiative is an *additional* statement.

>In my research an RIA as defined by MM will cost 3-4 times more than a
>common cold fusion application. Additionally it will take 2-3 times
>longer in development. I believe it was Kevin Towes who said at devCon
>that a successful RIA needs a team of at least 12 people, a drastic
>contrast to the lone CF developer ideology MM has endorsed in selling

If a prerequisite to all software development was the ability to produce
said software with one developer, we would probably be in a sad state of
affairs at the moment.

That being said, you *can* still produce CF web apps with one developer. But
if you would like to tackle larger, more complex projects such as RIAs, your
associated development time and costs will have to change accordingly. If
that wasn't the case, we'd all be building Amazon.com for $200.

>Now, I totally agree that RIAs are the next generation. However, I think
>Macromedia is getting to bold for its own good. As a web developer, if I
>launched MM.com, I would feel it was a failure. Not only does this RIA
>take more time, money and people to produce.... but now it has to be
>'tweaked' just to get it to perform at a reasonable speed. Furthermore,
>I think MM is still jumping the gun with broadband. I could never
>implement something like this because I serve a worldwide audience. Only
>a small percentage of people in the US have broadband, in countries like
>Africa and Asia, the word broadband doesn't even exist.

I think it's a little too early to label the site a failure. Come on, it's
only been 1 day. Like any project, there will be bugs and other issues to
iron out. But I'm glad to see MM taking this step and pushing the limits of
what's possible on the web. It's only going to make my job easier in the
future as they will find and address problems with the development and
deployment of RIAs.

As for the broadband issue, that is a strategic decision by MM based on, I
would guess, massive amounts of data gathered from users of their site.
Obviously they felt that the majority of their customer base could handle
the requirements of the new website and moved ahead accordingly.

>Fact of the matter is that instead of slowly warming the developer
>community to these ideas, MM has thrown boiling water on them. This
>backlash is a predictable outcome they should have seen coming.
>Unfortunately this is just another bullet in the list of curveballs MM
>has thrown its developers.
>To be honest. I don't trust MM at all anymore, which is very daunting
>being that I have only been listening to them since they bought Allaire.

"boiling water"..."another bullet in the list of curveballs"...come
on...please...it is *just* a website after all ;)


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