Are you in control of the mail client (ie. is this a web-based mail client)?
If so, you can easily send one message to the intended address and send a
copy of the message to your client's address and encrypt the body of the
copied message.  Then set up a simple page that the client can use to cut
and paste the encrypted message into along with a password (encryption key)
so that he may read the message should he need to.

Original Message
From: "cftalk"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OT: Kind of bcc-question and question of secure mail ?
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 20:43:58 +0200

>Hi List, I have a client who wants to do the following:
>1) Everytime he sends an e-mail out of a specific post-office-box, he wants
>to get a copy of the mail in another post-office-box. The clou is the user
>shouldn't see it. How can I do this ?
>2) He doesn't want that his provider is able to view the post-boxes
>(Mail-Server-side data) on the Server either. How is that managable ? Using
>secure Mail ?
>Don't blame me on the clients reuirements. I just want to find out, if I
>help him.
>Any Ideas what to do ? Maybe there is even a CF-Solutions out to at least
>the first topic.
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