ben, thanks for your help

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 1:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Application security structure

You have to make an exception for the login page, else it keeps trying to
redirect from the login page to the login page.  You should also put a
redirect at the bottom of the code block that handles creating the session
variables, because if there is no autorization stored in session, then the
user isn't logged in by definition.

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

: -----Original Message-----
: From: John Stanley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 1:40 PM
: To: CF-Talk
: Subject: Application security structure
: Running CFMX
: Okay, this is a very basic question for alot of you, but one that gives me
: pause everytime it comes up.
: I am developing a large application-level web site that will house several
: smaller applications inside of it. I am using application and user-groups
: defined roles for each user to limit their access to whatever I
: want them to
: see. This all works great.
: Here is my problem:
: 1. The appliation.cfm loads with every page request.
: 2. If there is no Session.Auth structure, it makes one.
: 3. The session scope for the application tag in my
: application.cfm is set to
: timeout after 20 minutes.
: 4. If the browser has had no activity for the prescribed length
: of time, the
: user on the next page request should be prompted to log in again.
: 5. I cannot figuire out how to redirect the user by using code on the
: application.cfm to do this. Sort of like the following:
: <cfif not isdefined("session.Auth")>
:       <cfset session.Auth = structNew()>
:       <cfset session.Auth.UserID = "0">
:       <cfset session.Auth.LoginAttempts = "0">
:       <cfset session.Auth.AppList = "">
: <cfelse>
:       <cfif session.Auth.UserID eq "0">
:               <script>
:                   document.location="int.cfm"
:               </script>
:       </cfif>
: </cfif>
: This should be very easy, but I just cant get my head around it. I keep
: getting the million-page-loading problem.
: Any thoughts.
: :-)
: John

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