What I do is set a variable in the application.cfm called path, and then 
whereever you need a mapping, just use:
for example, instead of dev/images
you set #path#  = 'dev/'
then call:

I actually use a little conditional logic in the application.cfm to 
automate it.. I set the path depending on the ip address of the host.  This 
way I can move it from my development machine to the server, which has a 
different directory structure, but the conditional logic is just in 1 place 
(per directory), not all over the place.


At 09:25 AM 4/3/2003, Matt Kornguth wrote:
>Think the answer to this is "No", but worth a try:
>We recently moved our development and staging sites onto the same physical 
>server running CF 5.0. We are running into the situation where our CF 
>server mappings are pointing to specific directories on EITHER dev or 
>staging. So, when working on dev, we may have to change a file in a mapped 
>directory on staging ... or vice versa.
>Anyone know of a way (without conditional coding) to have the same server 
>mapping point to the correct mapped directory (i.e. dev when on dev, 
>staging when on staging)? I know multiple instances of CF are not possible 
>with 5.0, so any thoughts?
>Hope I conveyed the problem OK. Thanks for your help,
>Matt Kornguth

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