On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 22:12:11 -0400, in cf-talk you wrote:

>And is that a CF site?


>That's important, and you have to have set up the
>site correctly (configured a testing server pointing to a CF server).

As far as I know, this is set up. However, from the beginning, I've
suspected that it's a site config problem.

>Another issue is that DWMX is sensitive to the "type" of the template that
>you've opened. It has to be a CF page to allow access to the CF components
>tab (and the database tab, etc.) Is the page that you've opened either an
>already saved cfm page, or if new, did you use File>New>Dynamic

Yes, it's a page called test.cfm

>It's possible that when DWMX opens it's opening with a default type of
>static HTML. One way to know what type of file you have (especially in an
>unsaved file), is to look at the toolbars at the top right. If they include
>"CFML Basic", "CFML Flow", and "CFML Advanced" (at the end of the list
>starting with "common", "layout", "text"), then DWMX thinks you're working
>on a CF template. If not, it doesn't, and some of the things you're trying
>to use may not work as expected.

Ahhh, brilliant. I followed a Forta tip (to increase DWMX speed),
without fully realizing the consequences. I just removed cfm and cfc
from the "open in code view" list, and voila, my stuff's there. I'm
not sure I've got everything solved yet, but I should be able to
figure it out from here.

Thanks to everyone who replied :)

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