The calendar is one of the most complex applications out there. Its
deceptively complex.

Now to build a simple calendar, that's easy. For most people this is all
they need.

To build a calendar with simple (weekly, daily , annual) recurring events is
fairly easy too. For most of the rest, this works.

But when you get into recurring events with exceptions,complex rules, across
different timezones etc, it starts to get complicated. This is one of the
reason that the W3C Semantic Web folks have chosen RDF-based calendar and
group scheduling systems as their focus.

A good basis of a calendar design is iCal, this is what my current calendar
is based on. There is a fairly easy string representations for expressing
recurring patterns and recurring exceptions, timezone info. In iCal you can
represent rules like ...

The first Saturday that follows the first Sunday of the month,  forever:


     ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 13;October 11
         (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 8;December 13
         (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 10;February 7;March 7
         (1998 9:00 AM EDT)April 11;May 9;June 13...

Every four years, the first Tuesday after a Monday in November,  forever
(U.S. Presidential Election day):


     ==> (1996 9:00 AM EST)November 5
         (2000 9:00 AM EST)November 7
         (2004 9:00 AM EST)November 2

It also allows you to schedule event (in the journal) specify users notes,
etc... Best of all its everywhere. If you have a calendar app on your
computer, it probably supports ical.

Now, that was my old calendar, my new calendar is a whole other game. The
plan is for a java based caledar server, that supports itip (over beep,
http), ical, webdav, jabber, soap,  with pluggable protocals / modules, jaas
for security, caching and a rule engine, and export filters to iCal etc..
and lots more..

But that will be a while :-)

Anyone has features that they would like that isn't in ical, I'd love to
hear them. If you don't know if they are covered just ask...

WG *very quick mail so there my be errors*

-----Original Message-----
From: CF Dude [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 June 2003 18:25
To: CF-Talk
Subject: What calendar features do people want WAS -> Calendar App

I've got a calendar question.

What sort of functionality do most people want in a web based calendar app?

Whenever somebody brings up calendars that they've built, there is always at
least a handful of people who want the
code.  I've built several calendar apps in different languages, but I'm
trying to compile a list of features that are
pretty common / requested.

Any suggestions?



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