Hi everyone.

I have an idea and need to know if it is within the capabilities of Flash and CF. What 
I would like to do is provide an interface for users to come to, where they can create 
forms and position the form elements and element labels wherever they wish (within a 
maximum area). How I envision this working would be to provide within the interface an 
area that contained a list of possible form elements to choose from (text input, text 
area, radio, check). When a user dragged one of these into the "form area" they could 
give it a label and fill in the attributes of that element as well as position the 
element and its label wherever they wanted (within the bounds of course). Now for the 
crazy part...

Would it be possible to take that Flash movie that the user interacted with to create 
the initial form and process it into an HTML form where the layout was almost 
identical if not exactly identical to how it was created via the Flash interface (from 
a positioning and layout standpoint)? I was thinking maybe there are some functions in 
flash to get element coordinates, etc...

The idea would be that this form could be used within an HTML email or website to 
gather user feedback. The second part would be to build some kind of container on the 
backend whereas those results/responses could be stored.

Obviously this is a complex idea, one in which is beyond the scope of my abilities at 
this time. 

Anyone have thoughts, ideas, technologies to look at, etc... ?

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