Here is something I wrote, that changed


in to

xxx.cfm?id=123 if <cfset id = 123 />

You chould adapt it to change

"My age is #id#" to "My age is 123"

<cffunction name="EvaluateTokens">

        <cfargument name="URL" type="String" required="yes">

        <cfset var newQstring   =       "" />

        <cfset urlString        =       ListFirst(URL,"?")>
        <cfset qString          =       ListLast(URL,"?")>

        <cfloop list="#qstring#" index="i" delimiters="&">
                <!----- building the URL machinary ---->
                <cfif (newQstring IS NOT "")>
                        <cfset newQstring = newQstring & "&" />
                <!--- get the name and variable values --->
                <cfset qStringVarname = listFirst(i,"=") />
                <cfset qStringValue =   listlast(i,"=") />

                <!---- if the qStringValue is like $something$--->

                <cfif (Right(qStringValue, 1) IS "$" AND Left(qStringValue, 1) IS "$")>
                        <!--- remove the "$"s  --->

                        <cfset varname = Replace(qStringValue,"$","","all") />
                        <!--- if the var exists, evaluate it and use that value--->
                        <cfif isdefined(varname)>
                                <cfset newQstring = newQstring & qStringVarname & "=" &
                                <cfset newQstring = newQstring & qStringVarname & "=" 
&  qStringValue/>
                <!---- if the qStringValue is not like $something$      --->
                <!---- just add the values without any change           --->
                        <cfset newQstring = newQstring & qStringVarname & "=" &  
        <cfreturn "#urlString#?#newQstring#" />


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 July 2003 17:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: db records with cftags in them do not render -help

There has got to be a better way of doing this.  Isn't there?

Jochem - Maybe I don't understand what you are saying. The problem I am
having is that I can not "run" a cfinclude that is in a database record. Are
you suggesting that I write 1000s of database records to files? Seems to
kinda defeat the reason we made it a contentment management system in the
first place. Or am I not understanding you correctly. :-)

I think this is the equivalent of what I am trying to do:
I have a var that holds text and 1 cf include.

<cfset foo='Here is the current results:<cfinclude template="test.cfm">' >


Mark W. Breneman

>Mark W. Breneman wrote:

>> I have a database table that holds the "body" contents of a page. (simple
>> contentment management system) I just tried to put a cfinclude in a db
>> record and found that CFMX does not evaluate the code. CFMX will just
>> the cfinclude tag to the browser, as unrendered source code, just like
>> other normal html tag. Is there a way I can make CFMX render CFtags that
>> are stored in a db record?

>Write them to a file and cfinclude the file.

>> Seems like there should be an EZ way to do this.




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