Sorry was in a bit of a rush yesterday. I am quite far from being an expert 
on the topic, but have thoughts on Internet advertising.

... internet advertising.
I have heard of rates as low as $0.50 to $2.00 cpm.

but other people talk about the $100 cpm they get. (yeah right)

my ad model (not really implemented) is to separate inventory into three 
(1) Sponsorships
(2) Premium Ad spots
(3) General Rotation spots

I decide an amount I think is easy to sell  - say $25 per month, decide what 
a fair CPM rate is for the inventory. $6.25 cpm for example ==> approx 4000 
impressions. I divide my monthly inventory by the 4000 impressions to get a 
number of monthly ad spots to sell. I have one site which does more than 
200k page view per month. - by my formula I have room for 50 advertisers @ 
$25 per month. $1250 per month.

Once I get the advertisers going they have acccess to the premium inventory 
and sponsorship spots available throughout the site. On the premium spots 
(behind logins where you know a little about the person viewing the site, 
content specific pages, or high visibility pages) I would try to get $25cpm 
for those spots or even auction off to the existing advertisers.

sponsorships I use on a cost+/project basis - and I might use the revenue to 
pay for domain registrations, hosting considerations, content gathering etc.

just some ideas. hth.

From: "Cutter (CF-Talk)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Billing Advertisers
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 16:49:40 -0400

P.S. Don't look at the ugly site that's up there now. The new ones not
up and I never would have done something like that (but my boss did).


Cutter (CF-Talk) wrote:
 > While the below link has provided some great information on advertising
 > standards I still need numbers. I have been working on redesigning our
 > website ( and several organizations have
 > approached us about advertising on the site. We have never offered
 > advertising in the past, but it makes sense for us to offer this product
 > as the site generates an extreme amount of traffic but currently
 > generates next to no income by itself other than as a marketing tool
 > (I've temporarily removed the shopping cart for the Boutique since I'm
 > redesigning it.) Can anyone provide me with what they may be asking?
 > Even if it's off list? Any help is greatly appreciated.
 > Cutter
 > Eric Dawson wrote:
 >>Internet Advertising - checkout
 >>From: "Russ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >>Subject: RE: Billing Advertisers
 >>Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 01:58:28 -0500
 >>Sorry, just realized my response went a bit OT on what you originally
 >>asked for, but an addition to phpMyAds is that it shows you common
 >>sizes, common practices, etc.
 >>It's difficult to gauge a range of rates without knowing the traffic,
 >>the target audience, etc.  I'd recommend scoping the competition and see
 >>if you can figure out what they're doing.
 >> > -----Original Message-----
 >> > From: Cutter (CF-Talk)2 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >> > Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 4:54 PM
 >> > To: CF-Talk
 >> > Subject: OT: Billing Advertisers
 >> >
 >> >
 >> > Our organization has come to me saying that they now want to begin
 >> > selling advertising space on our site. The only item of which
 >> > we truly
 >> > agree is that we will not allow pop-ads.
 >> >
 >> > My question is this, are there other standard options to web
 >> > advertising
 >> > other that the banner/click-through pricing schemas? Where
 >> > could I find
 >> > information on what might be good rates to charge? etc. Any help is
 >> > greatly appreciated.
 >> >
 >> > Cutter

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