> >I don't really want to stash the data in a temporary table, since this web
> >site
> >currently isn't data-driven and has no data source available.  Also, I don't
> >want to user session variables.
> When the second form is being built, just create hidden form variables
> holding the values from the first form. When you submit the second form,
> both groups of vars get passed. Essentially you're transferring the first
> batch of data twice, but unless you've got a ton of data, it shouldn't be
> an issue.

No problems there.  I already use hidden form fields within the second form.
The quesion is how to get from the template that displays FormA to the template
doing FormB by doing a POST.  I commonly do this with a CFLOCATION and URL
variables when there's not much data to be passed.  It's not as simple to do a

Maybe the answer is to use a single template and then CFINCLUDE the individual
forms from that template (or they could be entirely contained in one template
if I want to manage one gigantic source file).


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