Well not having played with the debugger before, I read Charlie
Areharts presentation on it, and after some head scratching and one
crash, I set up a dev mapping opened my default.cfm, added a couple
breakpoints, and started a debug session.

Lo and behold, up pops this ultra cool window that shows every
variable on that page and it's contents, including form, and
cgi, queries, and all sorts of other cool stuff. Looks like 90% of the
info on the standard debug is there, plus all the variables. So, you
will forgive me if I differ when you say it only allows IE
integration, unless of course, I misunderstood.

Damn...I wish I had looked at this earlier, totally changes the way I
debug. Thank you Jim for asking this question! :)

I did have a problem getting this to work with an MX server...I'm off
to play with it a bit more and see if I can find the problem. If they
enhanced the debugging in DW...it might be a reason to switch for me.

I've seen the debugger light!

Saturday, August 2, 2003, 12:27:07 AM, you wrote:

>> I think you can also set up the development mappings in 
>> studio/homesite...it does supposedly allow you to get 
>> the debugging back directly into studio.

DW> While you can set up development mappings in Studio or Homesite, that only
DW> allows you to use the Internet Explorer browser integration to run pages as
DW> you edit them. In Dreamweaver, you can display debug output in a separate
DW> Dreamweaver panel. In any case, you'll only see debug output if the server
DW> sends it to your IP address.

DW> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
DW> http://www.figleaf.com/
DW> voice: (202) 797-5496
DW> fax: (202) 797-5444

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