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Stephenie Hamilton
Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Professional

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Lucido [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 1:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Erratic CF/IIS issues

I am experiencing the strangest problem I have ever seen with hosting CF
apps. on an IIS box. Specifically, I have several virtual websites
configured in IIS (not virtual directories). The erratic issue is
occasionally one of the virtual websites will be displayed on top of the
virtual website a user makes a request for. Specifically, a user wants
xyz.com but abc.com is displayed on top of xyz.com. Nothing displays in
the site abc.com except for broken links since the images do not exist
in xyz.com. This is very odd and extremely annoying.

I tried the MS knowledge base, but those efforts were fruitless (at
least for me). I tried deleting both virtual websites, renaming their
source directories, kicked the box and then re-created the virtual
websites using new names. No luck, still happens. I cannot find anything
in the log files and it does not occur at any regular frequency. It may
go several weeks working properly and then, bam site not available. The
only way I can get the sites to serve up properly after this has
happened is to kick the WWW publishing service and CF MX. Server

-W2K Server, SP3
-CFMX, updater 3

Any ideas and more importantly any way to correct this problem?


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