I just completed a call with the Oracle rep (who is a salesman) for my
organization and received some feedback about our licensing that has me
more than a little confused. I am wondering if anyone can offer some
insight or advice to help me understand the situation.

Back in 1999, our organization purchased parallel licenses for 2 Oracle
servers with 8 concurrent users. My understanding (and our CIOs) was
that ColdFusion would count as 1 user on each machine and we would have
7 developers on each box. Additionally, our understanding was that we
need no licenses for a development box. 

The person I just spoke to explained that these licenses are not valid
for the purpose of distributing information over the Internet (i.e. that
using CF, PHP or anything else to draw data from the server) and that we
will need to migrate to a per-processor model immediately in order to be
in compliance. He also said that using a copy of Oracle for development
purposes would require that we purchase licenses for the development
boxes as well (which, incidentally, is at the same cost as a full blown
production server). 

Before I contact the sales representative we originally spoke to on the
matter, I wanted to see if anyone has had similar experiences or is
familiar with the Oracle concurrent user licensing model in regards to
the use of dynamic Web pages. I am thinking that under the terms of the
license we originally purchased should cover the use of ColdFusion and
that this guy is just trying to get me to buy stuff. 


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