> What is the best practice in regards to the CF Application - 
> Administrator [cfide directory] on a production server? One 
> obviously wants to be very careful with the exposure of this 
> code to the wilds of the internet, but on the other hand you 
> can't really just go on with out it (can you?), if you have 
> fairly active ongoing development on your system, with frequent 
> adding and improvement of internet applications.
> So how does one best balance these competing concerns?

What we typically do at Fig Leaf is to configure this application on a
separate virtual server, and limit access to that virtual server to the
necessary degree - often to console access only. This is usually a pretty
simple process.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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